TicrThing 3D, Dead-on-arrival GTX 1660, Devoted Construct House And Extra (Crypto Mining Mail #8)

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TicrThing 3D at https://www.ticrthing.com/

GTX 1660 GPUs https://geni.us/gtx1660

Thermaltake Versa H21 - https://geni.us/h21versa

Snowman CPU Cooler - https://www.aliexpress.com/

Xilence CPU Cooler - https://geni.us/XilenceCPU

Arctic Passive CPU Cooler https://geni.us/arcticpassive

RPiThree actively cooled case - eBay worldwide

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ASRock H110Professional 13 PCIE: https://geni.us/H110Pr

Gigabyte H110 D3A 6 GPU: https://geni.us/GigD3A

Ryzen AM4 Motherboards: https://geni.us/am4mob

Ryzen CPUs: https://geni.us/ryzenCPU

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Noctua CPU Coolers: https://geni.us/NoctuaCooler

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Breakout Boards for Server PSU: https://geni.us/breakoutboards


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99% Isopropanol: https://geni.us/isopropanol

Thermalgrizzly Paste: https://geni.us/grizzlypaste

CompuCleaner Compressor: https://geni.us/compucleaner

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? Binance: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10168608

? KuCoin: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3m4MO

? OnePlus Invite Link (20$ voucher for accessoires)


? Tip Jar:

?suggestions: https://tippin.me/@CursedMining

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TicrThing 3D, Dead-on-arrival GTX 1660, Devoted Construct House And Extra (Crypto Mining Mail #8)
TicrThing 3D, Dead-on-arrival GTX 1660, Devoted Construct House And Extra (Crypto Mining Mail #8)

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